Value for Operations
eSimulation gas gathering management and plant optimization solutions equip staff and facilities to operate more efficiently and effectively through automated digital solutions.
Know Product Volumes, Record Product Movements, and Optimize Plants
- Maintain an accurate daily inventory of all liquid assets
- Enable operators to explain discrepancies outside tolerances
- Create electronic records of product movement for accounting
- Reduce load on field operations to gather data and respond
- Document losses – enable greater transparency and visibility
- Capture, distill, and disseminate daily reports to stakeholders
- Maximize plant profitability by optimizing product recovery targets and energy consumption
- Monitor and report process conditions, including out-of-spec conditions
- Provide engineering insights into equipment and plant conditions
eSimulation solutions run on the Remote Performance Management (RTM) platform, creating a safer, more sustainable and efficient environment with proactive data gathering.
“eSimulation, with the valued guidance from Enogex, has developed and…demonstrated a method to effectively monitor and/or troubleshoot issues common to a gas processing plant. Enogex has now employed this tool on five of their gas processing facilities in Oklahoma.”
Barry D. Ballard
Former Dir. of Crude
Enogex Products, LLC
Contact us to learn more about how eSimulation can equip your operations with cost-effective, secure cloud-based applications to improve operational performance.

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